If you know me at all, then you know that my family is everything to me. Despite the fact that I chose to move away from them, they are everything. I state several times throughout my site that I truly believe that the experiences we have with the ones we love are the most important part of life. That’s not just a saying to me. I try my hardest to exemplify that value in the way that I live my life. So, I figured what better way to show my truth than in sharing all the photos I took at my family reunion!

During the first weekend of June, family from all over the states came together at Cragun’s Resort in Brainerd, MN. People flocked from California, Texas, Wyoming, Missouri, Ohio, and various places in Minnesota. The last time that all of us were in one place together was 14 years ago. Back then, there were 23 of us. This time, there were 43 of us all crammed together in two large cabins on the lake. Together as a family, we celebrated my Grandma and Grandpa’s 50th wedding anniversary! It’s honestly astounding how much love just two people can create, and let me tell you, my grandparents created a whole lot of love within this family.

The weekend was spent hanging out, eating, playing games, swimming, boating, playing volleyball, playing on the beach, chasing after kids, sitting by the fire, and drinking. We got to see relatives we haven’t seen in years, including the newest additions to our family. Cousins got to hangout together like we were all kids again. Stories were told, reminiscing took place, and laughter constantly filled both the air and all of our hearts. This weekend was truly special and will be remembered with joy by everyone for a long time coming. Here’s to hoping it won’t be another 14 years before this can happen again!

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